"Our mission is to provide families the opportunity to participate in a supervised visitation within a safe environment where family vulnerability will be reduced. These programs are available to allow parents to maintain a healthy relationship with their child/ren and to have the opportunity to continue their important role as a parent."


Supervised Visitation
FiTS Provides supervised visitation for the noncustodial parent to interact with their child or children in a safe environment. FiTS supervised visitation program provides direct supervision where supervisors monitor families and only interact when intervention needs to occur. The visiting parent needs to initiate activities and tend to parenting issues on their own.
FiTS promotes and encourages healthy engagement while reducing the risk of vulnerability. Families participating in the supervised visitation program are asked to follow the guidelines set forth to ensure the program runs smoothly. Services are intended to be safe and comfortable for the families involved. A complete list of guidelines will be provided to all families participating in the FiTS.
Documentation is taken throughout the entire visit.
Documentation will only be provided when court ordered or if requested by social services and/or the parties counsel.
Parenting Skills
In addition, parenting education and skills are also offered upon request in child protection cases to further assist families. Parenting Education includes Role model and provide parenting skills to increase parent’s ability to increase positive experiences for parents in their children, teach one on one parent education, educate child developmental stages, provide parents constructive and structured guidance on their interaction with their children.

FiTS supervised visitation program is designed to supervise family interaction through referrals from various sources (i.e., social services, corrections, parents, attorneys, etc.) Families are required to go through an intake process and be approved into the supervised visitation program. FiTS has the right to refuse any family.
FiTS qualified supervisors provide and document supervised visits and parent education for county child protection cases and family law cases between noncustodial parents and their child(ren) to reunify children with their parents when possible.

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1022 4th Street SE #104
St. Cloud, MN 56304

6120 Earle Brown Dr. Suite 222
Brooklyn Center, MN 55430